Toyota Prius Windshield Ghosting


There have been complaints about refracted images or "ghosting" at night. Customers report that headlights, traffic signals, streetlights, and other lights are distorted by the windshield. There is a ghost image/shadow of the light above and below, so that for every light, there is a stack of three lights seen through the windshield.

If you are having this problem and Toyota either cannot or will not repair it, please give us a call.

If You Are Having This Problem

Please feel free to call (858) 270-7000 or contact us here.

San Diego Lemon Law Center | The Law Office of Michael E. Lindsey
Tel: (858) 270-7000 Fax: (858) 270-7710 | 4455 Morena Blvd., Ste. 207 San Diego, CA, 92117 (see map)

General Information Only

The information in the San Diego Lemon Law Center pages is for general information only and is not intended to be taken as legal advice. If you have a specific legal question or problem, please feel free to contact us or you should promptly consult with an Attorney handling such matters in your area for advice.